Vote For Hillary Online

Welcome to Vote for Hillary Online. This website is not endorsed by the official Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Initially, the intent of this website was to promote Hillary Clinton and ensure that she is elected president in 2008. We were going to list her positions on this website, but because of how quickly her positions change on each issue, we simply don’t have the staff to be able to keep up with all the updates. For now though, we have for you an outstanding clip from the last Democratic debate.

Alert: We have some breaking news for you, folks. Vote for Hillary Online has learned that 7 community leaders from Alabama have endorsed Hillary Clinton in her run for President. The significance of this news should not be underestimated. Endorsements are huge, especially from well-known leaders. In this day and age of politics, it’s hard to know who you can trust. But when someone you do trust endorses a candidate, that trust is then transfered to that candidate. More and more people are waking up to the fact that Hillary Clinton is our only hope to take back America.

Grassroots tip of the day: We’ve gotten hundreds of e-mails with great grassroots campaign tips. I want to take a moment to thank all of the grassroots campaigners out there who put all of their time and effort into making sure Hillary Clinton becomes president of the United States in 2008. Without you, this campaign would not nearly be where it is today. Moving right along though, here is our grassroots campaign tip of the day (note: unlike yesterday, this tip isn’t secret, so feel free to spread the word to all the grassroots supporters you know):

“One of the most effective tools we have in our arsenal is e-mail. Every one of us probably has an e-mail account. What you want to do is send an e-mail out to everyone on your contact list in order to promote Hillary Clinton. I did this yesterday. I composed a message saying why Hillary is the only candidate that will take America back under control and I sent it to all 13 people in my contact list. Guess what? I actually got a few replies back already, which shows that they actually read what I sent, and hopefully are at least contemplating becoming Hillary supporters. One thing you want to do though is make sure it just looks like a normal e-mail, you don’t want to be accused of being a spammer. This will reflect badly on the Hillary campaign. Even though technically it is similar to spamming, we’ve got to do everything we can to spread the word.