Grassroots Hillary Oath

This is the grassroots Hillary Campaign Oath. It was originally created by James Beckleheimer in Utah, and it has caught on among thousands of grasroots supporters. We suggest you write this oath down on an index card and put it in your wallet. Whenever you start to feel discouraged, whether it’s a smear campaign against Hillary getting you down, or you start to become fatigued about your efforts, take this note card out and read it outloud. James tells us that it’s not unusual for him to repeat this oath more than 10 times a day, and I know he’s not the only one.

This is James’s oath card. You can either print this one out, or make your own. In case you have trouble reading his writing, this is the oath:

I, _________________, promise to do whatever it takes to get Hillary Clinton elected and ensure that peace, prosperity, hope, and patriotism once again return back to the fabric of our nation. I will stand strong and not let the opposition hurt my morale. This is our only hope. This is….our only hope. (repeat 5 times)